Fine Art at ISPA Store Fixtures
May 2, 2019

Cutting Edge Technology


ISPA Store Fixtures is constantly upgrading and improving its production capacity and our manufacturing process is constantly evolving to keep up with the fast-changing pace of emerging technologies. One of the more recent examples is the recent installation of our new, cutting-edge materials-handling system. Adopting this system allows ISPA to automate the storage of sheet goods, taking the strain off workers formerly required to manually move these heavy materials onto our CNC cutting beds.

The system uses advanced A.I. to track each sheet based on material composition, size, thickness, and weight. Operators simply choose what material is needed for a job and the system tasks the robotic arm to retrieve it from the storage area and load it onto the machine. This is one of the ways that ISPA Store Fixtures uses advanced manufacturing to protect worker health and safety, and improve production efficiency.

ISPA recently upgraded its CNC cutters, beam saws and panel saws with the latest models from Holzter. This has allowed us to realize high volume production runs within very short time frames.